Saturday, October 23, 2010

A Bouquet of memoirs

Yes, I did go to Durga pandal on Navami as I planned & wrote in my last post.

Maa Durga
Entrance to the venue

 I went there along with few of my school friends and that too accidentally & it turned out to be a bouquet of memoirs. I don’t know what happened & suddenly everything turned out to be nostalgic. Everything was just the same as past, the beauty on Durga’s face, the fragrance of incense sticks, the spirit on peoples’ faces…same faces including few new ones, similar stalls for tit bits, similar road vendors & a man playing  old Hindi song melodies on his flute….


Among all these things that I noticed, there was one thing that has surely changed a lot with time & that was Me….

Yes, I did feel that with years passing by I have changed quite a lot, in both good and bad ways….thinking about the good things, I have started focusing on priorities mainly, After loosing my Dad, now cherish what I have more, more often express my feeling to people whom I love (it feels amazing), & most importantly have stopped being bothered about what people think of me (this is biggest change that has happened in me, now I enjoy things more).

Talking about the bad things, there are "N" no. of things, I have become more calculative about doing things which takes away the fun of making mistakes & being silly, plan up about the future in a very “boring” matured way! Don’t do the Usual Nimisha’s stupid –silly things, like calling up a friend at the midnight and telling that how he/she is important to me or giving crackers to kids whom I don’t know on Diwali, or fighting for juniors before my principal and that too just before my campus placements. Stopped sending surprise gifts to friends- Gosh! Writing all this makes me feel how I have changed (Read –have become weird) with time, i was never so judgemental & calculative in life before …& I know that 5 years from now when I would be seeing this post, it will surprise me with the thoughts that I have now.

Don’t we all miss certain things like the excitement of riding the bicycle for the first time on our own, writing with a fountain pen, new dresses on birthdays, sharing the last chocolate with your sibling, the first crush in school and more and more crushes after that, the first day of college, first late night out….

her first ride......



  1. hi nimisha,

    I accidentally chanced upon ur blog .... I was just like you at ur age : )there is nothing wrong in growing up and being a little calculative ... u are matured day by day with experiences....btw u have a lovely collection of posts and u seem to speak from ur heart...its good ur are still keeping the spark alive...i loved reading ur post...if u get time do visit my blog


  2. hi Satya! thanks for such lovely comments..yup i too hope to get mature with time but in a happy way.Saw ur blog it is temptingggggggggg n very versatile writing .

    Do Stay Around !

    Tk Cr

  3. I appreciate ur change to see this world... I do wish to imply few changes in myself.. Do write some advisable blog frm whch people can learn. waiting for ur next post....
