Thursday, October 7, 2010


Past week was filled wid lot of emotional outbursts for me..I had this panick attack as how difficult it will be to handle such a huge responsibility called " Marriage" ,i think people who are married or soon going to be married would understand this feeling, and my panick attack gave mini attacks to Mum & Rakesh...but some how they handled me,i can say this, that  i can be very very unpredictable at times....

But then i realized that the decision of getting married involves the excitement of the companionship of your partner, the happiness of sharing a lifetime with that one person you feel you can be best friends for your lifetime but at the same time it also involves  the big responsibilities of starting a new family , having new ties with new people ( this one really scares the hell outta me) & doing certain adjustments...(but who does not, even when we are single).

Rakesh has been very very supportive, reallllllly caring and loving nd most importantly has been my Friend with whom doing all crazy stuff seems to be so easy & natural........always made me so comfortable and very special for being the person i am....

So this new chapter in my life which is just going to begin is bringing out the best and the worst traits of me n i m trying to enjoy both & torturing others to the maximum extent... n if you dont believe then ask Mum , Rakesh & madhumita..

Rest ,,trying to be comfortable with the idea of getting married and planning up pre-parties with friends to enjoy it to maximum!!!

& hey as i wrote in my last to last post, I finished watching this movie “A WALK TO REMEMBER” an awesome movie , i believe everyone who is in love or not should watch this movie for sure!!

loveee you all

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