Friday, August 10, 2012

Have I made it large?

Yes the title of this post was only a commercial ad for me till yesterday, I never questioned myself this before  until yesterday evening. I got to know about one of my acquaintance yesterday and she is doing pretty good for herself, It just made me think what I have achieved or done anything special for myself in recent years and I could'nt think of even one.

The first time I entered my college it felt I reached a different galaxy all together ( I am not exaggerating at all) I could only see people way smarter than me including my seniors & batch mates, & really self doubted myself that I will not be able to achieve anything in this place & will never have a single friend, out of these smarter & more outgoing people. But I was blessed enough to make through those years of college fairly well & even got friends forever.Then after finishing my college, started working , again that first year of hardship made me have self doubts but again worked hard enough to sail my boat across.But now what, I dont feel I am doing any justice of doing anything that I dreamt & planned for my life.

 I am not asking for more hardship . I have gone through enough but I want to do something out of my go work and get paid at the end of month scenario, so that I feel I am not wasting my existence and feel like myself again.



  1. Although it is never fun to realise that one 'has not made it large', the fact that one has had this realisation is a step - the first one - in the right direction, for only after this realisation, can one re-examine one's own life, and accordingly revise one's priorities so that one can then take the necessary steps in reaching a stage in one's life where one can, truly, say that one has made it large. So, here's hoping that there will another blog post, in the not too distant future, where you will able to write, without hubris, that you have made it large.

  2. Nimisha if the feeling of making it large gets into you then you might not move ahead..that passion of running to achieve more is what makes every one work harder i believe :)

    1. thank you anamika...a piece of wisdom coming from you means a lot to me..
