Thursday, September 2, 2010

RoAd tRiP !!!!!!

Hey all!   yesterday i was googling (as always...) on road trips ...n saw some beautiful pics...and suddenly came across one of the pics,which looked exactly the same as the way to my work ..and  i realised that i never really gave a moment to relish the serene landscape around...

So took out the camera n clicked through..

"Flock of Cranes "

"Security Check Post"
( Guess what the security guard was taking a nap when i was taking this pic n suddenly woke up n tripped from his chair, LOL!!!
The Entrance to the Expert's Club

View from my window

My  Office
& FINALLY .....My Desk

So guys, now have  to rush back to work!!

Luvvvv u all


  1. cruising around this place on a scooty pep on a rainy evening is heavenly...not to forget hot spicy omelets on the roadside..

  2. Nice office and nice desk, too. Ah! When will I have one of those? Seems like you do a lot of work, no surprise there, though. By the way, what is that, black coffee or herbal tea, what happened to old-fashioned doodh-wali chai?

  3. @RAKESH: i know.. seriously its always a blast wid u...

    @SRIJAN: thankoo thankoo very much....kahin pe bbhi woh chacha ke dhabe wali chai jaisa mazaa kahaan have switched to black tea..

  4. m speechless after reading all this kind of stuffs from ur creative mind...m quite sure n believe that the next chetan bhagat is on his way...keep writing.... missing my momos plate with my bike in delhi.

  5. @vineet: thank u bhai....

    @rakesh:thank u .....
