From my childhood , I have always seen my mum to be the most enthusiastic , friendly & cheerful person. She has always motivated me n my sis to go ahead and take up challenges of life and made us learn that whether you win it or loose it , you are going to learn something out of it anyways...So bottom line she has been my best buddy from the beginning, whether it was when i was five and learning to paint or the first time i won at the debate competition or i flunked in my maths test, came home after beating a guy or got beaten up ..she was always there to listen n make it more of an experience.
Of late she is dealing with some health issues n all these things are really effecting her i realised that its a very difficult thing to accept that one day my body will also get older and weak, i know its going to happen, but i want my soul to be intact, full of enthusiasm , eager to learn, laugh and enjoy things which this life has given me....
Cross my heart would do anything to be me , the very me even after 30 years of writing this post.I want to smile reading this post after all coming years and feel I HAVE DONE IT!!
On the funnier note:
Of late she is dealing with some health issues n all these things are really effecting her i realised that its a very difficult thing to accept that one day my body will also get older and weak, i know its going to happen, but i want my soul to be intact, full of enthusiasm , eager to learn, laugh and enjoy things which this life has given me....
Cross my heart would do anything to be me , the very me even after 30 years of writing this post.I want to smile reading this post after all coming years and feel I HAVE DONE IT!!
On the funnier note: